Our campus was designed to nurture young minds and bodies, and to allow for creative freedom of thought and action. These are some of our most beloved spaces.
Montessori room
Let’s step inside a Montessori classroom. It is beautiful, inviting, and thoughtfully arranged, right? You will see us happily working individually or in small groups, at tables or on the floor on small mats that delineate our own space. By this quiet way, we learn about sensorial, language, mathematics, science, social interactions and much more.
Practical Life
This special space is designed like my house. It has low sinks accessible to us, furniture, kitchen utensils and makeup set in child-sized so we can cook, eat, clean up our snacks and dress-up ourselves. There is also a Little Super Market with a wide variety of necessity items and a functional cash register as well as paper money. We can buy anything that we need and make payments at the checkout. We are real homemakers like our mommy and daddy while playing here.
Reading Conner
It’s a very cozy place where we can go to look at, or “read” books. Wow, so many books with lovely pictures just for us. Is there anything better than curling up on a sofa with an inviting book? If you can’t give the answer, let’s enjoy our Reading Corner!
There are many play areas around our campus which have become the hot favourite place of the school. It is where everyone gets to be a kid. This is where we enjoy the green grass, the Jungle Gym and the ball pit house; learning becomes play here. Deeply immersed in building castles in the huge sandbox or playing with the swings, you’ll find BSA’s buddies very busy and joyous at almost any time of the day.
Green corner
Green corners are everywhere, every floor in our school which is covered by plants and flowers. Be it inter-student/ teacher interactions or even just having tea or coffee, these spaces are open for it all. Sometimes we cook and enjoy our incredible lunch here with classmates as a lesson of Practical Life.
These places are also where we practice gardening and taking care of animals. We learn regular lessons in the garden, learning how to grow, harvest a variety of fruits and vegetables. We learn how to take care of a bird or a fish, we feed and water them, we make sure these little friends get lots of love every day.
The cool winds, the rustle of the leaves, the fresh fragrance of floral, the chirping of birds, the sound of fish thrashing in the Aquarium and the innocent chatter have all become a memorable part of these places.
Art Room
Art is a way to express self, so opinions matter and they are always respected at BSA. The Art Room is where young artists are in the making and are always up to some “arty” magic. We have all the freedom to express our thoughts and feelings, in that circle of beauty and creation, through different art techniques. This is where we get to teach too, through mentoring and discovering, and hence our teachers learn art from us.
Dance Studio
When you dance, your body becomes the vessel for your spirit to shine and forget all limitations. Our school has a mesmerizing dance room where we are taught everything from folk dance, dance sport to modern dance. Credibly, we gave a lot of scintillating performances in all of BSA's shows.
Music Studio
Music Studio is a place where all of us are encouraged to explore, sing, and be creative. Sing-along with songs, play music and plan new performances… we are always ready to shine bright at any stages!!!
IT Room
The IT room is a space where our learning meets technology. Be it typing write-ups, learning different software or making new projects, or just time-pass, this place is open. We became proficient using Microsoft Office and Google Apps and we practiced creating and giving computer-based presentations to our classmates. We also learned programming basics and delved into manipulating data within spreadsheets. We have worked hard on building these computer skills that will be the most crucial in college and later on in a professional career.
Science Lab
The 2 new Science Labs in Secondary Division allow young scientists to foster a spirit of questioning and enquiry to inculcate Scientific Temperament. We understand science as a “verb and not just nouns.” We get hands-on learning experiences and experts intervene to help us understand how the natural world functions. Shall you guys enjoy us?
Sports Ground
The sports ground is a place where we are in high spirits and totally energized. Once we go to the ground, we seem to forget everything and play football, basket-ball or hand-ball. Our PE Teachers are very loving, but they always push us to be team players, be physically fit and have sportsmanship spirit.
Co-working Space
Technically a Library - yet a lot more than just that, it is a co-working and creating space for students and teachers. The Library is inviting and interesting, designed specifically to entice us into reading more than we otherwise would. Recognizing that reading is one of the most important skills one needs, along with the fact that people are reading less and less nowadays, the Library monthly hosts sessions that review and introduce good books in order to engage us to read a range of books.
The Hall – Heart of the school
The Hall is a place where we meet and greet each other every day. In this place, we have our parties, performance shows, indoor games, presentations and meetings. There is a stage inside the Hall where our talents come alive. We play, dance, act, perform freely and shine out in different ways. We make this place lively and energetic.
House of Dolphin
The most wanted place in our school is the House of Dolphin. It's not just a pool where you swim, learn and practice swimming skills, it's a place where you can immerse yourself in the cool water (or the warm water in winter days); have fun with buddies; bring your mind, body and soul back into harmony. We love the House of Dolphin the most!!!!